WCP | A D.C. Law Firm is Waiving Legal Fees To Help More Restaurants Open in Wards 7 and 8
“The Veritas Law Firm, which has well over 100 hospitality industry clients, handles about 50 licenses per year. They typically charge a couple thousand dollars in attorneys fees to help an operator obtain a liquor license, which can also mean navigating mediation proceedings with Advisory Neighborhood Commissions.
Today, The Veritas Law Firm co-owners Scott Rome and Andrew Kline announced that they’re willing to waive their attorneys fees for any restaurant willing to open east of the river in Wards 7 and 8. Despite a population of close to 160,000, there are less than ten full-service restaurants in both wards combined. The Washingtonians living in these communities, which are largely considered food deserts, are hungry for more options. ”