Oct 22 | The HIVE2.0 hosts Creative Capital: How To Increase Your Access to Cash


On October 22nd at 6:30 PM-- Join Capital One and RW Jones, founder of Can I Live, Inc. is a 501(c)(3), for a discussion regarding the unique challenges facing Black women-owned businesses. While business ownership is a challenge for many, business ownership for Black women often comes with additional barriers. Let’s call out the elephant in the room, together.

RW Jones, our keynote speaker, has a wealth of insight to share based on her own experiences in the field. Her story is unique and relatable because of her rise from poverty to business ownership.

Sean Chrysostom, Capital One Financial Educator, will be joining us to offer insights into the financing industry and how Black women can best level the playing field.

Discussion topics will include the following:

- Business loan acquisition

- Starting a business despite circumstances

- How to finance your business with bad credit

- Things to be wary of when applying for financing

- How to spot racist/misogynist practices when applying for financing