Oct 19 | The H.O.P.E. Project IT Summit 2019

Right now, technology is an important part of half of all jobs. We at the H.O.P.E. Project think it's more than half. As powerful as the tech industry is today, it gets even bigger every day. Who will have the many jobs the tech economy is creating? People who are prepared. The H.O.P.E. Project IT Summit is designed to make sure that people in urban and low-income communities are prepared.

Too often people from these communities have been left out of groundbreaking economic opportunities, especially those 18 to 24 years of age. The H.O.P.E. Project has helped hundreds of these residents get started in IT careers, and build better lives for themselves and their families.

Does this sound like you?

The H.O.P.E. Project IT Summit is FREE, and value-packed.

You will:

  1. Learn about the many different opportunities in IT, and a great way to get started in the field.

  2. Meet and learn from IT pros, including many who started off where you are today.

  3. Learn how to prepare for an IT career.

  4. Learn about, and practice, skills that can help you get – and succeed at – almost ANY job.

Continental Breakfast and Lunch will be served - also FREE!

The day wraps up with a special conversation led by people in IT and other industries who look like you, and have proven that they care about people like you.


Check out this list of workshops:

  1. Get The Interview-Get The Job. Learn about building an IT résumé as well as working with recruiters and job boards in ways that get you that important interview, and then what to do when you’re sitting in front of the people with the power to give you the job. These interview tips will help you no matter what type of job you want.

  2. What’s Hot NOW: The Hot Tech Certifications and Cyber Security Tools. Learn about the IT certifications employers want, especially if you’re interested in getting into Cyber-Security. “Cyber” is one of the fastest growing career tracks in the world.

  3. Today’s MUST HAVE Skills. Learn what employers want in addition to certifications, especially if you want an entry- and/or mid-level IT job. Want to do something else? Many employers are looking for these same skills. Make sure you know what they are so you can make sure you have them.

  4. A Day In The Life Of A World-Class IT Professional. This is what you want to be in order to change your life, and the lives of people you care about. But what does the work actually look and feel like? Find out from H.O.P.E. Project graduates who have been where you are as they take you inside their daily experiences.

“It made me see the potential in myself again … The H.O.P.E. Project gave me that hope back that I could be everything that I said that I wanted to be, and more. Today, I’m at a point where I feel like I’m unstoppable.”

Brittany Grant, H.O.P.E. Project Graduate

“Everybody has different backgrounds. Some have college experience. Some have graduated from college. Some have been incarcerated…nobody’s sitting there saying you know what, you can’t do it. We all are motivated to say hey, let’s make this happen.”

Derrick Johnson, H.O.P.E. Project Graduate

Hear more from Brittany, Derrick and other H.O.P.E. Project Graduates here.