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NOW - AUGUST 11 | Martha's Table hosts Byte Back Summer Digital Literacy Program

Byte Back Summer Digital Literacy Program

Martha’s Table is committed to supporting strong children, strong families, and strong communities. We believe that investing in the success of adult caregivers is also a direct investment in their children, which is why we’re excited for the launch of a pilot program this summer in partnership with Byte Back, a DC-based nonprofit whose mission is to close the digital divide by providing an equitable pathway into the digital economy.

We’re committed to leveraging the expertise of existing organizations to offer a variety of educational and career skills development opportunities. As technology becomes more integrated into society, knowing how to operate a computer and navigate the internet is necessary to complete many day-to-day tasks. This class will develop digital literacy and enable students to use computers for a variety of functions.

Martha’s Table will host two classrooms: one for adult learners, who should be beginners with little to no digital literacy skills, and one for children/youth aged 10-18 from the adult learners’ households. Note: we can only accommodate one child/youth participant for each adult learner.

Class Schedule and Details

  • Date: Tuesday, July 5th through Thursday, August 11th.

  • Time: Classes will be on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. Two 2-hour classes per week over the course of six weeks, for a total of 24 hours of training.

  • Location: Martha’s Table at the Commons (2375 Elvans Rd SE Washington DC 20020) in Partner Rooms B and C

  • Refreshments, snacks, and childcare will be provided.

To register or for more information, please contact Joel Lopez, Recruitment and Enrollment Coordinator at, or call 202-516-4220.