Invitation to apply for Honfleur Women in Arts Grant Program

Release Date: May 20, 2022

Honfleur Gallery and ARCH Development Corporation are delighted to announce the invitation to apply for the Honfleur Women in Arts Program. This award is in memory of the late Sharon Hughes Gautier, a founder of ARCH and Honfleur Gallery.

This grant[s] will be given to individuals or collaboratives who propose a project that focuses on the discrimination faced and/or impact that being a woman [or identifying as a woman] has had in pursuing creative endeavors. This award is open to women, those identifying as a woman or women collaborative who are artists of any genre, and to teaching professionals in the field of women's study. Applicants must live, work or attend an educational institution in the District of Columbia metropolitan area.

This project scope is open to all intentional projects. Examples are blog series, plays, films, lecture series, research papers, short films, conceptual albums, exhibits with sound/music, collaborative music projects, interactive dance programs, curriculum development, and classes for adults.

There is no established format for a proposal. The submittal must be in a word document that includes a detailed description and the schedule for the project. Submissions can consist of links to websites and Instagram. In addition, the applicant must provide a detailed budget in Excel format.

Funding for the project will include advance and progress payments. This RFP does not have a set budget limit. Instead, the budget must be consistent with the scope of the project. One or two awards will be made.

Timeline of RFP Process

  • August 1, 2022 - Deadline for letters of interest

  • September 15, 2022 - Deadline for the submittal of a proposal

  • October 15, 2022 - Award notifications to be sent

  • October 31, 2023 - Deadline to complete the project

For more information or to submit a proposal, email Duane Gautier at