Anacostia Playhouse CLOSED due To Covid-19 until April 27



For the safety of our patrons, staff, and artists, and keeping in line with the mayor’s guidelines, the Anacostia Playhouse will shut down operations through April 27.

It is an incredibly difficult decision to close our doors, even for what we hope
is a short time, but the health and well-being of the entire Anacostia Playhouse
extended family is our highest priority.

With that, we know the following will be canceled or postponed:
Theater Alliance’s This Bitter Earth, the monthly Shakespeare for the Young Puppet Show, The Anacostia Playhouse New Play Festival Silenced Voices and the upcoming Young Playwrights’ Theater production Silence is Violence.

During the time we are closed we will be doing a deep cleaning and disinfecting of the building. Although we will generally not physically be in the office, please feel free to leave us a voicemail or send an email. As soon as we have any details on reopening or any cancellations, we will announce them here and on all of our social media platforms.

Meanwhile, please be careful and stay well. Adhere to the guidelines of hand washing, staying home if not feeling well, covering your cough or sneeze and avoiding crowds. Check-in often with Mayor Bowser’s coronavirus updates at

We hope to see you in the theater as soon as possible.

PS: As you can imagine, closing the theater and canceling performances inflicts a severe financial hardship on small arts organizations such as the Playhouse. Please consider a gift to help us weather this storm and support the artists, technical personnel and staff who call us home.

Donate here